Welcome to the New Bounce Theatre Website!
We are excited to unveil the new Bounce Theatre website, a space that not only celebrates the benefits of the creative arts but also champions accessibility and inclusivity for all our participants.
Over the past five years, we've been on a journey of discovery, refining our project work to better serve the needs and preferences of our neurodiverse participants. In creating a more inclusive creative process, we've developed a unique method that recognises and embraces all forms of communication.
Our decision to overhaul the old website stemmed from a desire to better align with our evolving ethos of inclusivity and accessibility. While the previous website served its purpose adequately, it lacked the necessary features to accommodate the diverse needs of our growing community, particularly our neurodiverse participants. Retro-fitting new ideas into old templates is hard - and so a fresh start was due. Our new design is cleaner, simpler, and hopefully easier to navigate for our audience.
We invite you to explore our new website and join us in celebrating the rich tapestry of human experience. Whether you're a seasoned creative arts enthusiast or someone new to it, there's a place for you at Bounce Theatre. Together, let's continue to build a community where everyone's voice is heard and valued.
Thank you for your support. If you have any feedback on the website, or any ideas for future developments with it - get in touch!
Email Lauren at: lauren@bouncetheatre.com
