StoryClub was a pilot project for Bounce Theatre delivered in collaboration with Clare, writer of The Daesy Dialogue and Charlotte, artist and Speech and Language therapist from Verbal Diversity.
Over six months, we invited 26 families into an empty cottage which was converted into a play space made from entirely recycled and reclaimed materials. Our shared intention was to provide a space which cared for both children and parents so there was mutual benefit.
Children were able to initiate play with everyday objects that had no ‘correct way’ to play e.g. cardboard boxes. This allowed parents to feel safe in the space and begin to champion their children's play preferences and recognise their unique communication style. Creating this space ensured parents felt able to talk to therapists without fear of judgement.
Parents frequently commented on the environmental conditions of the cottage - that it felt like a home. They enjoyed being in a creative environment, where their child played with everyday household objects as it felt creative but also accessible. Helping parents to celebrate their child's communication style and support their child's developing emotions has benefits beyond the sessions which positively impact the parent-child relationship, the regulation of their child's emotions and their child's emotional resilience.
Some of our favourite words used by mums to describe our sessions:
- Relaxed
- Hopeful
- Happy
Some of our favourite things mums have said to describe coming:
"The staff is lovely and we have learned so much. Also, everyday available items are used to engage kids instead of just toys. It really boosts their creativity.”
“It helped me to understand and change communication with my child"
"The cosy environment and friendly members. We loved how everyday items were used instead of toys. It felt like meeting a friend.”
“Charlotte has helped to understand and change communication with my daughter.”
“Harriet increased her imagination and playfulness.”
“I felt great and confident (after a long time) to be a good parent again after the session with Clare. She helped me to feel connected to my daughters’ anxieties and big emotions.”
“It was great to have an adult conversation whilst I knew my daughter was safe and welcome to play in another room without me.”
"She has started communicating more since she saw you. I can’t believe what a big change has happened after playing with you just once! She is saying more words and is more vocal in her play. She is interested in more things and wants me to play with her more.”
For more information about the pilot project and our evaluation please email:
